Level One
Lesson 6
subject complements
A subject complement matches the subject and agrees with a linking verb. A subject complement can be a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective. It’s often necessary to use a subject complement because it completes the meaning of the linking verb.
The video explains the purpose of subject complements.
You can take Quiz #6 – subject complements after you complete the lesson.
A subject complement often comes after the verb “be.”
- She is late.
- She is a student.
- It is she. (or… It is her.)
- I am early.
- I am a teacher.
- It is I. (or… It is me.)
6a. subject + verb + noun ✍🏽
He is a student.
subject: He
subject complement: student (noun)
The verb “be” (is) links the subject and the subject complement together.
6a. Examples

He is a student.
subject: He
verb: is (linking verb)
subject complement: student

They are birds.
subject: They
verb: are (linking verb)
subject complement: birds
6b. subject + verb + adjective ✍🏽
She is happy.
subject: She
subject complement: happy (adjective)
An adjective is a word that modifies a noun.
6b. Examples

Her jacket is blue.
subject: jacket
verb: is (linking verb)
subject complement: blue

These rocks are colorful.
subject: rocks
verb: are (linking verb)
subject complement: colorful
6c. other linking verbs
In addition to the verb “be,” there are other words that may function as linking verbs:
6b. Examples

She seems angry.
She looks angry.
She sounds angry.
She is angry.

These rocks are colorful.
subject: rocks
verb: are (linking verb)
subject complement: colorful
Subject Complements (PDF)
Subject Complements
Part A – Directions: Underline the subject complement in each sentence. Indicate if it is an adjective or a noun. An adjective is a quality. A noun is a thing or a person.
This is easy. (adjective / noun)
The car is red. (adjective / noun)
My teacher is a man. (adjective / noun)
Carla feels sick today. (adjective / noun)
There’s a big hole in the ground. (adjective / noun)
Where is the supermarket? (adjective / noun)
That’s it. (adjective / noun)
These roses look beautiful. (adjective / noun)
Minnesota is a state in the United States. (adjective / noun)
Are you okay? (adjective / noun)
Part B – Directions: Provide a subject complement in the following sentences. Indicate if is an adjective or a noun.
My classroom is _______________. (adjective / noun)
The dishes are _______________. (adjective / noun)
My teacher’s name is _______________. (adjective / noun)
The air temperature today is _______________. (adjective / noun)
Today he seems _______________. (adjective / noun)
I am _______________. (adjective / noun)
Are you _______________? (adjective / noun)
Where is _______________? (adjective / noun)
This exercise is _______________. (adjective / noun)
Something smells _______________. (adjective / noun)
Learn how to form questions for information using the verb “be” in Lesson Seven.