Level One

Lesson 19
future tense - will

An easy way to form the future tense is to use the modal verb “will” followed by the simple form of the main verb: 

will + main verb

I will go to work today. 

  • subject = I
  • modal verb = will
  • main verb = go 
  • prepositional phrase = to work
  • time expression = today

Use “will” for activities that happen in the future. These are things that can happen today, tomorrow, next year, or many years from now. 

Take Quiz #19 – the future tense – will after you complete the lesson. 

S + will + ______ (main verb).

drive - future tense


I will drive. 

You will drive. 

He will drive. 

She will drive 

It will drive. 


We will drive. 

You will drive. 

They will drive. 

19a. forming the contraction ✍🏾
subject + will


I’ll walk. 

You’ll walk.  

He’ll walk. 

She’ll walk. 

It’ll walk. 



We’ll walk. 

You’ll walk.  

They’ll walk.  

When using “will” to talk about the future, the subject and the verb “will” are often put together in the form of a contraction. 

19a. Examples ✍🏾

sea, mountains, sunrise-442399.jpg
  • I’ll wake up early tomorrow morning. 
  • I’ll watch the sun rise. 
  • We’ll have coffee. 
  • We’ll talk about our plans for the day. 

To ask a question for a “yes” or “no” answer, begin with the verb “be.”

To ask a question for information, put a question word (who, what, where, when, why, etc.) before the verb “be.” 

19b. will - negative ✍🏾

To make the negative, add “not” to “will” to form “won’t.” 


I won’t go. 

You won’t go.   

He won’t go. 

She won’t go. 

It won’t go. 



We won’t go. 

You won’t go.  

They won’t go.  

will + not = won’t

19b. Examples ✍🏾

old man, portrait, street-2687112.jpg
  1. He won’t go to the doctor. 
  2. He won’t take his medication. 
  3. He probably won’t live much longer. 

Use “won’t” when a person refuses to do something (#1 and #2). You can also use “won’t” to make a prediction about the future (#3). Something won’t happen. 

19c. will - questions ✍🏾

The present continuous tense is used to ask questions about a person’s life. These activities are ongoing. They don’t stop. 


Will I go?

Will you go?  

Will he go? 

Will she go? 

Will it go? 



Will we go? 

Will you go?   

Will they go? 

will + subject + main verb + ?

19c. Examples ✍🏾

briefcase, businessman, clock-2931442.jpg
  • Will he get to work on time? 
  • Will he arrive late? 
  • Will anyone notice that he’s late? 
  • Will his boss be angry? 
  • What will happen if he is late? 

19d. will - thinking about the future ✍🏾

When you think about a future event, you may use “will.” 

  • Will the class start on time today? 
  • Where will we eat lunch? 
  • I’ll see you later. 
  • This will be an exciting game. 
  • We will do a lot of fun things this weekend. 

19d. Examples ✍🏾

book illustration, fashion, feminine-8643149.jpg
  • She’ll take a bath when she gets home. 
  • She’ll see her friends later. 
  • She and her friends will meet at a restaurant and have dinner.

19e. will - offering help / volunteering ✍🏾

When a person volunteers to help, the modal verb “will” is a good choice. The first person singular (I) is usually used in this instance. 

  • Don’t worry! I’ll help you. 
  • I’ll do it. 
  • I’ll let you have the last piece of pizza. 
  • We’ll lend them the money. 
  • I’ll answer the door. 

19e. Examples ✍🏾

rockclimbing, elbe sandstone mountains, rise-1434315.jpg
  • Stay there. I’ll help you get across. 
  • I’ll be right there. 
  • I’ll make sure you don’t fall. 
  • I won’t let you fall. 

This lesson ends Level One. 

You will learn how to use “be going to” to form the future tense in Lesson Twenty