Level One
Lesson 4
subject pronouns
Subject pronouns in English are singular or plural. You must know the differences among various subject pronouns when choosing a verb.
In this video, I talk about the relationship between a subject and a verb.
Take this quiz when you finish Lesson Four: Quiz #4 – subject pronouns
subject + verb
If a word is a subject in a sentence, it needs a verb:
- I am a teacher. (The subject is “I.”)
- You are a student. (The subject is “you.”)
- You and I are in school. (The subjects are “you” and “I.”)
- She goes to school. (The subject is “she.”)
You and I
The most important relationship between two people uses the pronouns “you” and “I.”
In this part of the lesson, you will learn about and practice using these pronouns. Watch the video.
You and I
I am.
You are.
We are.
You are.
I + you = we

- I am a teacher.
- Where do I live?
- I live in Minnesota.

- You are a student.
- Where do you live?
- You live in __________.
he / she / it
he = man or boy
she = woman or girl
it = thing
he / she / it
He is.
She is.
It is.
They are.
he + he = they
she + she = they
he + she = they
it + it = they

- He is a student.
- He is at school.

- She is a student.
- She is not at school.

- It is a classroom.
- It is empty.
4a. Write in your notebook ✍🏿
he (man)
she (woman)
it (thing)
we (you + I)
you (you ++)
they (+++)
4b. Practice ✍🏿
I am a student.
You are a teacher.
He is a friend.
She is a neighbor.
It is a rock.
We are online. (You and I)
You are on the internet.
They are over there.
(they = a group)
Note: It is helpful to know that English teachers often talk about subject pronouns and nouns this way:
- The pronoun “I” is in the first-person singular.
- The pronoun “you” is in the second-person singular.
- The pronouns “he,” “she,” and “it” are in the third-person singular.
- The pronoun “we” is in the first-person plural. (I + you = we)
- The pronoun “you” is in the second-person plural. (you + you = you)
- The pronoun “they” is in the third-person plural. (he/she/it ++ = they)
In the next lesson, Lesson Five, you will practice forming questions for things and people.