Level Two
Lesson 22
coordinating conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions hold words, phrases, and sentences together. There are seven coordinating conjunctions:
The four coordinating conjunctions that most students learn to use first are and, but, or, and so.
There are seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so.
a. and
The word “and” is the most commonly used conjunction. It’s also the most important conjunction because it joins words, phrase, and clauses together.
Combine words:
Elsa and Felix are going to the movies.
The conjunction “and” combines two nouns:
Elsa and Felix
Combine phrases:
I have classes in the morning and in the evening.
The conjunction “and” combines two prepositional phrases:
in the morning and in the evening
Combine clauses
They work during the day, and in the evening they rest.
The conjunction “and” combines two clauses to form a compound sentence. Notice that each clause has a subject and a verb:
They work…and…they rest
a. Examples ✍🏾

- Elsa and Felix are siblings.
- They are brother and sister.
- They go to school during the day, and they come home in the afternoon.

- I have eggs and toast for breakfast.
- An egg has two main parts: a yolk and the egg white.

- These two kittens are cute and playful.
- One is white, and the other is gray.
- They play together, and they sleep together.
b. but
The word “but is also commonly used as a conjunction. It’s used to show differences or contrasts between words, phrases, and clauses.
Contrast words:
Those apples are delicious but not expensive.
The conjunction “but” combines two adjectives:
delicious but (not) expensive
Contrast phrases:
She works during the day but not at night.
The conjunction “but” combines two prepositional phrases:
during the day but not at night
Combine clauses
I like to work, but I don’t like my schedule.
The conjunction “but” combines two clauses to form a compound sentence. Notice that each clause has a subject and a verb:
I like…but….I don’t like…
b. Examples ✍🏾

- The king is the most powerful piece in chess, but the queen moves more easily around the board.

- This carton has ten eggs. Nine of the eggs are brown, but one is white.

- Dandelions are pretty, but most gardeners don’t want them in their gardens or on their lawns.
coordinating conjunctions exercise
Click the link above for the PDF.
Part A – Directions: Choose the correct coordinating conjunction for each sentence:
and, but, or
Tom __________ Sarah are coming to our house this weekend.
I need to make a call, __________ I don’t have my phone on me.
You can have chocolate __________ vanilla, __________ you can’t have both.
The kids want to go outside, __________ it’s raining too hard.
The color orange is made by combining red __________ yellow.
Either Bill __________ Kevin is working the afternoon shift.
Our bus usually arrives on time, __________ today it’s late.
This book is ripped on the front __________ back cover.
We can drive to Detroit, __________ we can take a bus to get there.
Kathy is usually very nice, __________ I just heard her yell at her neighbor.
Part B – Directions: Choose the correct coordinating conjunction for each sentence:
so, yet, for, nor
I‘ve never met Mary before, __________ there’s something familiar about her.
John avoids driving on the highway, _________ it takes him longer to get to work.
The police officer did something that was neither professional __________ legal.
We need more money, __________ I got a second job.
You must make the best of what you have, __________ you have just one life to live.
Cindy said she was sick, __________ she’s still going out with her friends tonight.
Our refrigerator died, __________ we went out and bought a new one.
Tony doesn’t have a job, _________ does he want one.
All members of the team trained hard, __________ they were determined to win.
The team was determined to win the championship, _________they trained hard for it.
In Lesson Twenty-three, you will learn about the past tense.