Level Two

Lesson 20
future tense - (be) going to

It’s essential to learn “(be) going to” when listening to and speaking English. This is a modal phrasal verb that takes the place of the modal verb “will.”  It’s often used for conversation when talking about the future and the near future. It looks like this: 


S + (be) going to + main verb

I am going to go to work early tomorrow. 

  • subject = I
  • modal phrasal verb = am going to 
  • main verb = go 
  • prepositional phrase = to work
  • time expression = early tomorrow

Use “(be) going to” when talking about plans and intentions.  You can also use it to make a guess about the future. Teachers often refer to this as the “going to” future or the “be going to” future. 

Take Quiz #20 – the future tense – (be) going to when you complete this lesson. 

S + (be) + going to + ______ (main verb).

walk - "be going to" future


I am going to walk. 

You are going to walk. 

He is going to walk. 

She is going to walk. 

It is going to walk. 


We are going to walk. 

You are going to walk. 

They are going to walk. 


The verb “be” changes according to the subject. 

20a. forming the contraction ✍🏾
subject + be


I’m going to walk. 

You’re going to walk.  

He’s going to walk. 

She’s going to walk.  

It’s going to walk. 



We’re going to walk. 

You’re going to walk. 

They’re going to walk. 

In spoken English, “going” and “to” are often put together to form “gonna.” It’s important to listen for this when you talk to people. 

We’re going to have a good time. 

We’re gonna have a good time. 

20a. Examples ✍🏾

rangers, ballpark, baseball-1402096.jpg
  • I’m going to see a baseball game tomorrow.  
  • I’m going to get there early. 
  • My sons are going to go with me. 
  • We’re going to have a good time. 

20b. (be) going to - negative ✍🏾

To make the negative, add “not” after the verb “be”


I’m not going to go. 

You’re not going to go. 

He’s not going to go. 

She’s not going to go. 

It’s not going to go. 



We’re not going to go.  

You’re not going to go.   

They’re not going to go.  

The contraction is also made with “be” and “not.” You aren’t, He isn’t, We aren’t, etc. 

20b. Examples ✍🏾

the cat, mouse, hunting-3955877.jpg
  •  The cat isn’t going to let go of the mouse .
  • The mouse isn’t going to live much longer. 
  • I’m not going to watch! 

Remember that you can use the “going to” future when talking about activities that are happening right now in the immediate future. 

20c. (be) going to - questions ✍🏾

To form a question, the verb “be” goes before the subject, followed by “going to” and then the main verb: 

(Be) + subject + going to + main verb + ?


Am I going to be late? 

Are you going to be late? 

Is he going to be late? 

Is she going to be late? 

Is it going to be late? 



Are we going to be late? 

Are you going to be late? 

Are they going to be late? 

Notice that the main verb in the example above is the verb “be.” It’s in the simple form. It’s very common to use “be” in the “going to” future when asking questions. 

20c. Examples ✍🏾

woman, flight, travel-8587090.jpg
  • Is he going to go on a trip? 
  • Is he going to fly or take a train? 
  • What time is he going to leave? 
  • Are his friends going to go with him?  

In Lesson Twenty-one, you will learn about object pronouns.