Level Three

Lesson 35
modal verb - can

The modal verb “can” is used for ability and possibility. After the verb “will,” it’s the most common modal verb, especially for spoken English. 


  • He can play the guitar. 
  • I can’t open this jar. (negative)
  • Can they have breakfast now? (question)  

Use “can” for present and future situations. 

35a. can ✍🏾

can — affirmative


I can go. 

You can go. 

He can go. 

She can go.

It can go.



We can go.

You can go.

They can go. 

When using a modal verb such as “can,” 

the main verb is in the simple form. 

In the sentences above, the main verb is “go.”

35a. Examples

  • You can go when the light is green. 
  • At this intersection, a driver can go left or right. 
  • People can understand traffic lights and traffic signs.
  • You can travel around a city by car, by bus, on a train, on a bike, or on foot.* 

*on foot = walking


35b. can - negative

can + not = can’t or cannot


I can’t go. 

You can’t go.  

He can’t go. 

She can’t go. 

It can’t go. 



We can’t go. 

You can’t go. 

They can’t go. 

Most people use “can’t” for spoken English, but “can” and “not” may be used for emphasis: 

I can not do this! 

35b. Examples ✍🏾

students, classroom, school-395568.jpg
  • He can’t do the assignment. 
  • The teacher can’t help him right now because she’s helping other students. 
  • He cannot wait until school is over for the day. 
  • He can’t do his homework.  
  • She can’t open the jar. 
  • They can’t find their car. 
  • You can’t always get what you want. 

35c. can - yes-no questions

To form a question, the verb “can” goes before the subject. The main verb is in the simple form. 


Can I help? 

Can you help?  

Can he help? 

Can she help? 

Can it help? 



Can we help?  

Can you help?  

Can they help?  

  • A: Can this medicine help with my cough? 
  • B: Yes, it can. 
  • A: Can Maria play the piano? 
  • B: Yes, she can. 
  • A: Can the kids go outside right now? 
  • B: No, they can’t. 

35c. Examples ✍🏾


To answer a yes-no question, use the subject and the helping verb

  • A: Can we make things better for the planet?
  • B: Yes, we can. 
  • A: Can human beings try harder to clean up the environment? 
  • B: Yes, they can. 
  • A: Can planet Earth continue to get hotter without affecting life? 
  • B: No, it can’t. 

35d. can - questions for information

Question word + can + subject + main verb?

  • Who can help me with this? 
  • Where can I get something to eat? 
  • What time can you come over to my house? 
  • Why can’t she go to work tomorrow? (Notice the helping verb is negative in this question.)
  • Why can’t…
  • When can we leave to go home? 
  • How soon can get there?
  • Who can answer my question? (The question word (who) is also the subject.) 

35d. Examples ✍🏾

  • Where can I find good mangoes? 
  • How can I cut a mango? 


Write in your notebook. ✍🏾

Directions: Use “can” and the main verb to complete these sentences and questions. Some are negative. 

1. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a bike (ride) 

2. My friend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to my house today. (come — negative) 

3. Who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the question? (answer) 

4.  He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your car. (fix) 

5. The school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good education. (provide) 

6. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  enough money to pay her bills. (make — negative) 

7. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ some gas? (get)  

8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  your child _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in English? (read) 

9. Why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  the classroom? (leave — negative)

10. You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ whatever you want. (have) 

The answers are below. 

In the Thirty-two, you will learn to use “have” in the past tense. 



1. I can ride a bike (ride) 

2. My friend can’t come to my house today. (come — negative) 

3. Who can answer the question? (answer) 

4.  He can fix your car. (fix) 

5. The school can provide a good education. (provide) 

6. She can’t make enough money to pay her bills. (make — negative) 

7. Where can I get some gas? (get)  

8. Can your child read in English? (read) 

9. Why can’t they leave  the classroom? (leave — negative)

10. You can have whatever you want. (have) 


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