To be quick is to be fast. This is a good word for people or things that are speedy or move rapidly. It’s also used for people who have good thinking skills and can respond mentally to a situation.
- He’s very quick.
- He’s quick on his feet.
- This will be quick.
- That was quick!
- She has a very quick mind.
- Her answer was quick.

Runners in a race have to be quick.
They run very quickly.
a. The word "quick" is an adjective.
If something is ready right away, it’s quick. This is a positive quality for a person or a thing.
- Wow! That was quick!
- We need to be quick about this.
- He needs something that’s quick.
- Do you have a quick solution for this problem?
- An elephant is usually not very quick.
- Get in the HOV lane. It’s quicker. (This is the comparative form.)
- That was the quickest meeting ever! (This is the superlative form.)

- These horses are quick!

- You have to be very quick to play soccer.
b. The word "quickly" is an adverb.
To form the adverb, add “ly” to “quick.” This adverb is great when talking about the speed at which a thing or a person moves.
- They are able to move quickly.
- It gets dark quickly before a storm.
- John quickly understood his situation and made a few changes.
- Soccer players move quickly on the field.
- We have to do this quickly.
- If Rachel doesn’t do her work more quickly, she might lose her job.
- He made his decision too quickly, and now he regrets it.

- A rabbit moves very quickly.

- She quickly caught the ball.
c. expressions that include the word "quick"
There are some popular expressions that use “quick.”
- There were very quick to act. (quick to act = take care of a problem)
- He has to cut to the quick. (He has to say just say what he wants to say.)
- Be quick about it. (Do something fast. Sometimes this expression is kind of rude.)
- They have to quicken the pace. (They have to go faster. The word “quicken” is a verb.)
- He always falls for get-rich-quick schemes. (get rich quick = a ploy to make money fast)

- He’s promoting a get-rich-quick scheme, but he’s the only person who will get rich.