The word “too” is an adverb. It has two main purposes:
1. It indicates that something or someone has the same experience. In this case, it’s similar to the word “also.”
2. It has a slightly negative meaning as a substitute word for “very.”
a. too = the same or very similar
When you want to talk about a situation that is similar or the same as another, use “too.” The main verb or helping verb for the first part of the sentence is used before “too.”
- Maria is a student, and Roger is too.
- Canada is in North America, and the United States too.
- I was here yesterday, and you were too.
- John plays soccer, and Jason does, too. (Use the helping verb before the word “too.” It’s in the present tense.)
- Our neighbors have lived here for a long time, and we have, too. (This sentence is in the present perfect tense.)
Notice the comma before “too.” This is not always necessary, but it’s a common form of punctuation when “too” is at the end of a sentence.
I like it, and you do, too.
b. too = not a good situation
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Here’s a common pattern found when talking about situation in which there is too much of something.
- There are too many people here. Let’s go.
- It’s too hot today.
- She talks too much.
- I can’t get out of bed. I’m too tired.
- He needs help because his assignment is too hard.
- We can’t eat this bread. It’s too hard.
- Please, don’t go too fast here.

- She gets way too angry over small problems.

- I have too much money on my credit card right now.
c. too + adjective + infinitive
Do you have too much to do?
Here’s a common pattern found when talking about a situation in which there is too much of something:
too + adjective (+ noun) + infinitive
- He had too much to eat. Now he feels sick.
- This bike is too big to fit into my car.
- I have too many assignments to complete.
- That’s too good to be true.
- It’s too cold to go outside.
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